Laure Drogoul
Laure Drogoul
Roaming / 14th Street from Avenue A to Third Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from University Place to Seventh Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from Seventh to Eleventh Avenues
Laure Drogoul as the Hostess of Smell engages participants with multiple smell specimens, blindfolds, and conversation related to shared olfaction experiences and memories. In this olfactory happening visitors are asked to consider the emotional and psychological landscapes created through the sense of smell. Take(smelly)Care facilitates the exploration of perceived smell and creates a collective space to consider olfaction to cultivate a deeper understanding of how the sense of smell affects well-being.
lauredrogoul.comLaure Drogoul is an artist and olfactory spelunker who works with a wide range of media, including sculpture, performance, and theatrical situations that invite the viewer to be an active participant. Her mapping of olfactory perceptions and their effect on cultural understanding explores the way human senses inform our social landscape.