Karen Kalkstein
Take A Selfie with a Wise Crone
Karen Kalkstein
Roaming / 14th Street from Avenue A to Third Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from University Place to Seventh Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from Seventh to Eleventh Avenues
Descriptive signs of Crones invite people to take selfies with a six foot rainproof print of a Caring Crone. Reviled for centuries, today Crones are seen as wise, caring old women endowed with a new kind of power. Kalkstein’s Crones show the strength and bravery of women aging naturally. Here self-confident Crones are often exhibited outdoors in the woods where they are part of nature. Indoors they are shown as drawings, photographs, cards, and more. Wise Crones are spreading wisdom and caring for all communities!
karenkalkstein.comKaren Kalkstein, artist and crone, is currently involved in bringing images of old women, rones, out into the open to be celebrated and honored. Kalkstein has worked with drawing on paper, printmaking, clay, collage, sculpture, painting and more. She lives and works in Stamford, Connecticut and Waitsfield, Vermont. Her art has been shown nationwide and is in the Johnson & Johnson permanent collection.