David Appel

Care Package
David Appel
Roaming / 14th Street from Avenue A to Third Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from University Place to Seventh Avenue
Roaming / 14th Street from Seventh to Eleventh Avenues
Care Package” invites passersby to be accompanied by 1-2 performers across part of a city block. The latter provide physical and verbal support, acting as "tour guides" embodying different aspects of a care-filled environment and enriching the experience of each brief journey in unexpected ways.
youtinydancer.comDavid Appel is a choreographer and dancer with extensive experience in North America, Europe, and Mexico. His work, which includes collaborations with various artists and groups, emphasizes the immediate and personal aspects of care within the cityscape.
Artist Collaborators: Randy Burd, Paris Cullen, Ann Duffy, Sophia Dunn-Fox, Cecilia Fontanesi, Ava Heller, Emilee Lord, Noa Covelo Lores, Nicole Touzien.